Informative and Educative

Time control : 3 minutes
Computer : X 3450, 12 Gb, Windows 10
Book : Trend Moves 2020 CTG
Book move : Up to 4 Moves (Book Setting)
Engine setting : Default setting
Hashtable : 512 mb
Threads : 4
Permanent Brain : Off
GUI : ChessProgram 17
EGTB : 3-4-5
Games : 560

There are 5 chess engines that were rebuilt based on their source code on 140422; Stockfish, CorChess, Blue Marlin 14.9, Swordfish 14.9a and Cfish.

1 Stockfish 140422 74.0 140
2 CorChess 3 140422 72.0 140
3 ProteusChessSFv006-Windows,010422 72.0 140
4 SF PB 010422 71.5 140
5 Blue Marlin 14.9 71.0 140
6 Swordfish 14.9a 70.5 140
7 Kayra 1.3 sse3 67.5 140
8 Cfish 140422 64 POPCNT NUMA 61.5 140

Mohon diperhatikan!!!
Seluruh game yang dipertandingkan disini hanya untuk sarana pembelajaran
Tanpa ada motivasi menjatuhkan salah satu pihak, perseorangan atau sekelompok orang
Karena pertandingan yang sesungguhnya, berada diluar sana
Bukan mutlak di tempat ini

Terima kasih