asmFishWCP_20019-09-30 Vs Stockfish 051220

Time control : 3 minutes
Computer : X 3450, 12 Gb, Windows 10
Book : No book for both engines
Engine setting : Default setting for both engines (Stockfish 051220 minus nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnue)
Hashtable : 1024 mb
Threads : 4
Ponder : Off
GUI : ChessProgram 17
EGTB : 6 men
Games : 100

1. asmFishWCP_2019-09-30_popcnt      +20/=65/-15  52.50%  52.5/100  17

2. Stockfish 051220 (NNUE: Off)            +15/=65/-20  47.50%  47.5/100  -17


(Link to 100 Games)

Time control : 3 minutes
Computer : X 3450, 12 Gb, Windows 10
Book : No book for both engines
Engine setting : Default setting for both engines (Stockfish 051220 + nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnue)
Hashtable : 1024 mb
Threads : 4
Ponder : Off
GUI : ChessProgram 17
EGTB : 6 men
Games : 100

1. Stockfish 051220 (NNUE: On)           +45/=42/-13  66.00%  66.0/100  115

2. asmFishWCP_2019-09-30_popcnt    +13/=42/-45  34.00%  34.0/100  -115


(Link to 100 Games)