How to create CTG Book using Fritz GUI

Hello buddy, this time I will share you a little trick and a simple way to make a ctg book using Fritz GUI. To create a ctg book in simple way there are 2 important conditions that must be fulfilled:
1. GUI fritz.
2. Chess game databases that could be cbh, pgn and the others.

For the first step, open the GUI fritz and click the File menu. Select New and click Openings book.

After that, name the ctg book as desired in the File name field.
Before going to the next steps, set the location of the book that  will be made. Here I give an example of saving file for ctg book in Documents, and I name it 'Contoh'

After naming the desired ctg book click New/Open.

Then a new ctg book as you wish is already made.

Up to this step, indirectly new ctg book has been successfully created.

It was so simple, right ...

Although it has been successfully created up to this step, the new ctg book is still not ready to use. Because the database is still empty.
The most important part of a ctg book or other chess book that becomes a nerve of a chess book is a Database. It could be pgn, cbh or the others.

Therefore, the next step is Import Games.

The way is, select Analysis menu on GUI Fritz. Then click Openings book and click Import Games.

For further explanation, change the Database format in the File name section into All Databases (*. CBH, *. CBV etc).
For this section, choose the best Database collection you have. After that click Open.

Then there will appears Import games menu.

In this part, I suggest to choose Absolute length if the Databases that you have are considered very good. But, if the Databases are weak or not good enough, I recommend to choose ECO-relative length.

For the neext Steps click OK.

Sort and pick only for the best Databases from your collections. Add more collection of Database owned if deemed ctg book has not been able to satisfy.

Up to this step, ctg book has been successfully created and ready to be tested or used.

Here's an explanation of the colored lines such as green, gray and red:
Green: Means 1-0, the final result of the green line step being played is a gain for white.
Gray: Means 1/2, the final result of the gray line step that is played is a draw.
Red: Means 0-1, the final result of the step the red line being played is an advantage for black.

Here, I will share you my chess books that could be downloaded for learning.

That's a brief article from me. Hopofully useful. Keep learning Keep sharing, because to share does not mean to decrease.

Best Regards,